

Local Currency - The monetary unit in India is the Indian Rupee (INR). During your stay in India, you will notice a general lack of small change. We recommend maintaining a small supply of coins and small denomination notes (eg. 10, 20 INR notes).
Exchange rates will always vary but to give you an indication 1ZAR = 6.5 Rupees (Aug 09).

Changing Money, Credit Cards & ATM’s - Banks can be found in most cities and sizable towns where it is possible to exchange cash and travellers cheques. Many hotels also offer currency exchange and offer a faster service at similar rates. ATM's can be found in most major cities (i.e. Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Mumbai, Udaipur). Credit cards are usually only accepted in larger shops and more expensive hotels and restaurants. We recommend that you take some US$ currency if you are travelling to really remote areas as well as travellers cheques. Left over India Rupees can be exchanged before leaving India on production of your original encashment receipt. It is not possible to change back more than is shown on your encashment receipt. ATM cards with Cirrus and Maestro will work in Indian ATM’s displaying those signs. Cards which use Plus are problematic and are not a reliable source of obtaining money from an ATM.

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