

The local currency in Korea is known as the won (KRW) with notes coming in denominations of W1000, W5000 and W10, 000.

Korean currency is quite difficult to find in South Africa and we recommend all tour members take US Currency in cash and/or travellers cheques. Exchange facilities will be available at the airport upon arrival and will also be located in most hotels. It is recommended that the majority of money be exchanged whilst in Seoul to ensure availability of facilities.
It is highly recommended that any unused Won be changed back into original currency before you leave Korea.

Credit cards are becoming more and more widespread in Korea, but mainly in major cities like Seoul and Busan. One is essential in the case of an emergency. The most widely accepted credit cards include Visa, Mastercard and Amex.

Unless you are in a major city, most ATM’s will only work with the Korean Banking system and all foreign cards will be rejected. We strongly recommend that no group members rely on this method as locating ATM’s with access to foreign accounts can be difficult. They are mostly present in subway stations and some convenience stores and marked either the ‘HanNet’ or ‘Samsung’.

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